From our Musical Director:
Sat 24th March 2007 All Saints, Faringdon
The Programme was entitled Music for Lent. We sang Rutter’s Requiem with Roy Woodhams, organ and Heather coped well with the Sop. Solos. We were also fortunate to have 2 excellent instrumentalists – Harriet Williams (oboe) + Liz Parkin (cello), and Roy played an organ solo (Buxtehude Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne) with his usual panache. We started the concert right up at the east end of the church, which was acoustically much more satisfactory. There are other positions too which might be worth exploring further. The programme also included Victoria motets, Ps 121 by Walford Davies and Brahms Geistliches Lied.
Sun 25th March, St Margaret’s, Hinton Waldrist
A repeat of the previous day’s concert, and I was particularly pleased with the singing in the first half of the concert (the Victoria motets, etc.).