Musical Director’s Report:
Evensong at St. Margaret’s Church, Stratton – Sunday February 24th 2008 with Roy Woodhams (organ). This choral evensong was arranged by Victor Howlett, not only a member of the Singers but also Vicar of the Parish. The music included a setting of the choristers’ prayer by John Harper, the then Director General of the Royal School of Church Music, and written for its 80th Anniversary, the Smith Responses ”Be thou my vision” by the local composer Bob Chilcott and “The Lord Bless you and keep you” by Rutter. We also sang the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D by Brewer, purchased for the choir, along with Vittoria’s “O quam gloriosum” with a legacy from a former member, Fred Butler. Roy played with his usual panache and Victor provided us with an excellent tea. We look forward to singing at Stratton again on some future occasion.