Sunday 11th December, 3.00 pm.
Blessed Hugh Catholic Church
Marlborough Street, Faringdon, SN7 7JE
A Festive Feast of Music including:
- Extracts from Bach’s ‘Christmas Oratorio’.
- Elgar’s ‘The Snow’ in memory of Maggie Morris-Marchant, who sang with the choir for many years until her death in July.
- Premiere of John Ridgway’s ‘Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day’with traditional English words set to music composed especially for the Faringdon Singers.
- Carols for choir and audience, instrumental solos and readings.
Conductor – Terence Carter Organist – John Ridgway Violinists – Lisa Avenell and Lynette Stulting
Followed by hot punch and mince pies.
Free entry.
Donations in aid of the Faringdon Syrian Refugees Group
For more information go to or contact Karen Vogt: 01367-241707,