Learning Resources

LOADS of learning resources on the web!  If you come across good links for music that’s coming up, email sjoerd “at” vogt.org.uk  .


John Fletchers Music site









Clare’s Spotify List


Das Neugeborne Kindelein


Merry Souls


For the teccies wrt MIDI files: Most music programs (eg Noteworthy, Sibelius, Finale... ) will also import, export, and play MIDI files.  If you already use such a program then you may want to use this to have more control over the MIDI playback . Alternatively there are also excellent free MIDI playback programs. If you haven’t already got one then you can get  MIDIPLAY from here. Depending on how the different tracks in the MIDI file have been saved, you can then play tracks independently of each other; change voices/instruments; change playback speed; transpose - and so on.  Have fun! 

For the geeks:  A MIDI file is not a recording of the music (as with MP3 for example).  It is simply a list of instructions (timbre, volume, tempo, frequency etc) . Therefore - you always need a “synthesiser” on your device in order to interpret the instructions (usually built in to your sound card).  But iPods don’t have an onboard synthesiser, nor can you download additional apps for your iPod.  So - they can’t play MIDI files. 

However -  handhelds & fancy phones (eg iPhone, Omnia, Nexus) can almost certainly be made to play MIDI files.  If not built in, then look for a MIDI player in your App store. 

And if your web browser on your laptop is reasonably up-to-date ( mid-2015 or later) - then you should be able to play MIDI files from within your web browser without any problems. 

Alternatively - websites ( eg cyberbass ) are also now going the HTML5 route. But HTML5 doesn’t yet support MIDI - therefore they use MP3 files. Slightly less flexible than MIDI - but supported on all platforms. See for example Bach’s Christmas Oratorio .  Try it.

P.S. Any individual MIDI file will usually sound completely different on a different device.  The different “instrument” sounds are determined by your device! 

[Learning Resources]

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