Founded by Michael Perkins in September 1975, the Faringdon Singers then consisted mainly of children drawn from the local schools who “just wanted to sing”. Without funds, meeting place or instruments, they had to start absolutely from scratch, first finding a home and then organising rummage sales to pay for it! Our first concert held in a local village hall, consisted entirely of Christmas carols sung unaccompanied. From the beginning it was decided that admission to concerts should be free of charge. Instead, the host (often a local village church) would nominate a charity to which the audience might if they so wished contribute voluntarily. This has remained the policy of the group, and over the years thousands of pounds have been raised for good causes – local national and international.
Our concert programmes have covered a variety of music styles from the grand choral works of Mozart, Fauré, Duruflé, Jenkins and Rutter to lighter and contemporary works including Gilbert and Sullivan, all under the expert musical directorship of Michael Perkins and (since 1993) Terence Carter. We have been most fortunate too in having John Ridgway and Roy Woodhams as our accompanists, both of which have had vast experience as organists with choral groups .
Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the choir not only survived but has thrived and in 2015 the Faringdon Singers celebrated its 40th Anniversary. It remains a relatively small group -35 to 40 members – and is a friendly and dedicated choir committed to achieving a high standard of music-making and to its charitable ethos. Those involved hope that their varied programme will continue to appeal to singers and listeners alike.
We are always pleased to welcome new members.
Maureen Pendlebury (Founder member & Former Chair) and Carl Oberman (Chair 2018)